Vitamin B17 Nutrition Health Formula

$95.00 $59.00 Sale Sale

Vitamin B17 Nutrition Health Formula, highly concentrated in a 20:1 ratio in apricot kernel seeds, offers a unique approach to supporting overall well-being. Harnessing natural nutrients and compounds from apricot seeds, which have been traditionally used in alternative medicine, this formula may contribute to various aspects of health without making specific claims.

These traditional uses include:

  • Managing Respiratory Issues.
  • Supporting Liver Health:
  • Alleviating Symptoms of Colds and Flu
  • Pain Relief.
  • Boosting Immunity:
  • Detoxification

Important Information:

  • The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have not approved B17 as a vitamin for any medical condition due to insufficient evidence supporting its efficacy and safety.
  • No known side-effects reported.
  • Completely pure, all-natural, and organic ingredients.
  • Each bottle contains 90 capsules.


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The information displayed herein has not been evaluated and/or approved in any form by the Federal Drugs Administration.  Please follow a balanced lifestyle, diet, and exercise for general health and wellness. None of our products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. Consult your doctor at all times. The information provided here is for informational purposes and we do not claim ownership thereof unless indicated otherwise

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